
Jackie has Trained

• On-set Avatar: The Way of Water
• Government Agencies
• Professional Athletes
• Red Bull Teams

Breakthrough Breathing techniques with Jackie Troller

Breathe into a new you. Reduce fatigue, breathlessness, & anxiety, while building endurance, clarity & confidence.

Welcome! How can I help you? Click below to explore the right program for you.

“Breathing is the most overlooked foundational component of our health and performance.” 

-Jackie Troller, Breakthrough Breathing Coach 

Dave Scatchard
Class with Fire Fighters and Big Wave Surfers
Egan Inoue

"Bringing your heart rate down and back up, you can't do that well without learning breathing. "

- Egan Inoue
World Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Champion
2X Racquetball World Champion

Kirk Krack

"Jackie is an amazing instructor and I know her students love the way she teaches...for her to share this with the wider world is a great thing"

-Kirk Krack
Hollywood Underwater Stunt Coordinator
Avatar: The Way of Water
Founder of Performance Freediving International

How can YOUR BREATH unlock your next level of health, professional and athletic success?

Your brain affects your body. Your body affects your brain. YOUR BREATHING INFLUENCES YOUR BODY AND YOUR BRAIN. Breathing has a two way relationship with multiple major body systems and processes. Sleep quality, posture, emotions, brain fluid, performance, blood chemistry, oxygenation levels, heart rate, heart rate variability, energy levels, digestion and more are influenced by your breathing patterns. 

The famous book Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art states, “There are as many ways to breathe as there are foods to eat”, and not all breathing techniques maximize your health and wellbeing. Breakthrough Breathing uses evidence breathing techniques and is committed to pairing you with best breathing exercises to meet your specific goals and desires. Plus, we like to make it easy & FUN!  The benefits of proper breathing are so expansive, but we’d like to customize an experience for you. Set up your free complimentary session to see how breathing can best benefit you. 

Breakthrough Breathing Diagram

“Breathing needs to change to match internal and external conditions. Therefore, breathing should be EFFICIENT, APPROPRIATE, ADAPTIVE, RESPONSIVE, & SUPPORTIVE.”

-Dr. Rosalba Courtney, PhD in Breathing Therapy, Functional Breathing, and Osteopath 

“Most people who tell you to “Just Breathe” don’t know how to breathe right.” 

-Jackie Troller, Breakthrough Breathing Coach 

Hawaii Womens retreat

Meet Your Instructor 

Jackie Troller Public Speaker
Public Speaker Jackie Troller
Jackie Troller Breathing Coach

Jackie has trained Red Bull Athletes, government agencies, professional sports stars, and onset of Avatar: The Way of Water. After a decade of experience, Jackie still strongly believes that breathing is the most overlooked foundational component of our health and performance. It may sound funny since you’ve been breathing your whole life, but breathing can influence whether you are stressed vs. calm, or exhausted vs. energized. If your breathing isn’t optimally adapting to the various situations in your life, then you’re causing yourself unnecessary physical and/or mental pain. 

Jackie uses fun and interactive breakthrough breathing techniques to help you reduce pain, while increasing your health, adaptability, and fulfillment. Because where you breathe, how you breathe, and how much you breathe matters.

Featured on TV

Breathing on Think Tech Hawaii

We Love Hearing From People Like You!

Breathwork Testimonials
Jackie is a true inspiration. She is a dedicated coach that practices patience, compassion and empathy, while pushing her students further than they ever believed possible.
Brie F.
Womens Retreat Testimonials
Mission and Purpose
Pulled by purpose

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